
Campaign Factions

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Ultramarines raid on Boltarean finds the system fully fortified.

With the forces of chaos apparently now committed to multiple objectives, and the loyalist forces reporting significant chaos activity in the Hadron Deeps, the forces of the Imperium in the Hadron Expanse decided to launch a probing attack on the chaos held system of Boltarean. Leading this assault was the Ultramarines 4th Company, who were confident that they would be able to gather intelligence as well as disrupt the operations of chaos across the region.


The Ultramarines were able to penetrate into the Boltarean system, noting that there were no elaborate fleet defences in the outer reaches. However upon landing to investigate the Boltar III, the Ultramarines were ambushed by the Death Guard. The devotees of Nurgle and new masters of the chaos forces in the Expanse, quickly dealt with the loyalist astartes threat, killing most of the advance landing party and forcing the remaining space marines to make a hasty retreat. The astartes strike cruiser was then pursued by Tragaen's fleet, demonstrating that chaos now had Boltarean firmly under its control, and fully fortified as a significat base of operations.


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