
Campaign Factions

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Kel Sandros intervene at Praxis

The arrival of the Kel Sandros eldar at the alliance positions in Praxis was not their first excursion to the planet, but the eldar of farseer Tarquil only appeared when they considered it necessary and did not hold ground. The federal and tau forces has not been able to control or retrieve the device by themselves, so the ancient farseer decides once more to commit to the battlefield. This time however his forces were small surgical teams, sent in to achieve carefully selected objective. 

One of the objectives of Tarquil’s small recon team sent into Hexis, was the control of a location in the central ruins. The Federacy and tau forces would be stationed to garrison the newly won ground, but it would be the Kel Sandros who took it. A quick analysis of the strategic situation showed that an attack against the forces of chaos would be far too risky at this juncture, but the imperium were vulnerable. Regular front line units had been replaced by fanatics simply known as “the imperial cult”. A group of corpse-god obsessed religious maniacs now controlled the only entrance to the inner device chamber not controlled by chaos. 

On 2011.018M42 the eldar attacked the imperial cultists. After a fierce battle the humans were forced to withdraw handing control of the north of Praxis centre to the alliance. Their forces were as yet still split up, but once again they had a path open before them to get at the device itself. 

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