
Campaign Factions

Monday, January 07, 2019

Kel Sandros Aeldari Report

+++CLASSIFICATION: *Pirmary Level Intelligence*

+++CLEARANCE: *Obsidian*

+++ENCRYPTION: *Cryptox v 2.6*

+++DATE: *107.019.M42*

+++AUTHOR: *Inquisitor Nemo Reeves, Ordo Xenos*

+++SUBJECT: *A brief summary of intelligence concerning the Aeldari Craftworld Kel Sandros*

+++RECIPIENT: *Lord Inquisitor Phlebus Alessandro Rorken, Inquisition High Command Officio, Scarus Sector, Scarus Major*

+++THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Hope is but the first step on the path to disappointment

My Lord Inquisitor, a thousand blessings of the Emperor be bestowed upon you. I am contacting you to brief you on my investigations into the Aeldari Craftworld known as Kel Sandros. After monitoring their activities fruitlessly for many decades I now believe I have some comprehension as to their overall goals and desire that you should be made aware immediately in case some misfortune should befall me before I can submit my full report.

The perfidious Aeldari are renowned for the capriciousness and seeming randomness of their attacks but even in this context the interventions of Kel Sandros into the Imperium's affairs have been incomprehensible. Whilst they sometimes attack Imperial worlds directly in the majority of cases they have preferred to intervene in existing conflicts to the benefit of one side or the other. Indeed, in some conflicts they have been known the change sides midway through, even doing so on multiple times with the only apparent end being to prolong the fighting for as long as possible in order to weaken both parties. The regularity with which they interfere in the wars of others leads me to speculate Kel Sandros prefers that other races do its fighting, and dying, and only commits enough forces to secure an outcome they perceive as beneficial to their aims.

Although I have uncovered several notable instances of Kel Sandros coming to the aid of Imperial worlds and forces in the vast majority of cases their interventions have been to the Imperiums detriment. In fact I have uncovered an alarming correlation between the appearance of Kel Sandros' forces and subsequent wide scale disasters. Key worlds and even entire sub sectors have been lost following such interventions, usually with massive loss in human life both military and civilian.

Until now I have only been able to speculate as to their motivations but with the capture and interrogation of an Aeldari Ranger I believe I have made some progress towards understanding their agenda. It appears Kel Sandros subscribes to a belief that the end times are at hand and that the material universe will be destroyed after a final battle, which they refer to as the Rhana Dandra. In order to prevent or delay the Rhana Dandra Kel Sandros believes it must quieten the warp by denying the primordial annihilator its source of succour and thus save the material universe from destruction along with all life within it.

Such goals would seem noble but to achieve this end Kel Sandros seems bent on the destruction of the Imperium and also the genocide of the human race. I fail so see what warped and perverted xenos reasoning could equate such ends with such methods, quite likely by no means a human could recognise as a rational and coherent logic. In either case it would explain their interference in wars throughout the galaxy which when viewed in a context of causing a weakening and ultimate collapse of the fabric of the Imperium suddenly take on an alarming pattern.

I am currently conducting my investigations in the Aleph subsector where Kel Sandros forces have repeatedly intervened to the benefit of the Tau Empire and a heretical faction of rebel humans who call themselves “The Federacy”. Their unusually staunch and consistent support alarms me and I speculate it is connected to the presence of multiple stable routes across the Cicatrix Maledictum to be found in this region. It is possible they view the Tau as a suitable race with which to subvert and replace the power of the Imperium and are encouraging their expansion into the vulnerable worlds of the Imperium Nihilus. Whilst the idea that the Tau could overcome the might of the Imperium and become a galactic power are absurdly laughable I will continue to monitor, and where possible counter their activity as it represents a notable regional threat.

The xenos expired before I could extract the location of Kel Sandros from her, saying only that it could be found on no map of this galaxy.

+++The Emperor Protects

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