
Campaign Factions

Saturday, March 02, 2019

Tyranids encountered under Hexis

The forces of Kel Sandros had not entirely left Hexis. Although they had left the discovery of the strange emanations to the Alliance, the eldar had kept small teams of warriors on the planet to disrupt the operations of chaos and imperial forces on the world. However, in 03.019M42 they stumbled across something far more worrying in an old abandoned underground complex while investigating energy signatures.

Expecting the energy readings to be from an imperial base which they could raid or sabotage the eldar forces entered the subterranean complex. Here they did indeed find an imperial installation, still running, appearing to be the start of an expedition into the underground alien chambers. However of the original creators of the generator units there was no sign. Instead, the Kel Sandros unit found itself in battle with monstrous creatures of the tyranid xenos. Towering over them tyranid warriors and a lictor gave the eldar a nasty shock, before they managed to conduct a fighting retreat, forcing the alien monsters into the vast sprawling network of underground caverns. Having seen of the alien threat the eldar destroyed the complex and sealed the entrance to the necron catacombs. Who were these new tyranids? Later analysis showed this was not Nemesis, but a new strain, possibly related. For now the Kel Sandros Craftworld kept this information to themselves, and looked for new targets to raid in order to disrupt the war on Hexis.

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