
Campaign Factions

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Iron Warriors strike north on Mordecai Tersius

On 1404.019M42 the Iron Warriors of the 144th Grand Battalion set out on another offensive on Mordecai Tersius. Warsmith Stahl had subordinated the Mordecai Cohort to Commander Tryphon Zabinas of the 2nd Grand Company, a known member of the Apolakron. To recent Imperial records however he is known as “Tryphon the Desecrator”. 

Iron Warrior intelligence reports that Kutuzov was massing a large number of infantry and moving armoured formations to support, in the northern city of Crassen. It appeared the Imperial forces intended to create a hardpoint on which the forces of Chaos could break themselves upon. Rapidly assembling a Dekathla comprised largely of two armoured centuries, the Iron Warriors attacked the Imperial positions, with a host of mechanical monsters. Along the centre, Tryphon accompanied his daemon engines as his compatriot Warpsmith Balas took the Hellbrutes up the flanks. Anchoring the back lines were Contemptor Dreadnought Gryphicaz and a Decimator, both acting as artillery support. Without hesitation the armoured monstrosities attacked, screeching daemonic cries from their warhorns. The Novgorod Guard simply watched as the host approached, lacking in long range anti tank they simply waited until the traitors were in range. Skulking in the ruins were the advance forces of the Novgorod as well as a Vindicare assassin, the Havocs levelled half the ruins with their chainguns at the infantry, supported by a Defilers the infantry were cut down, allowing for the remainder of the force to focus upon the Vindicare. Despite the expert skill of the Vindicare stopping a proper bead, the Iron Warriors in typical fashion simply fired so much ordinance on the Vindicare position that it was impossible to tell if the assassin was killed by fallen masonry or the C Beams of Gryphicaz.

The Novgorod had simply waited as their allies were cut down, the priests of the Ecclesiarchy struggling to hold back the hordes of fanatics. Now in range of the Guards lasguns, the whole line opened up upon the lead Maulerfiend, badly wounding the creature through sheer weight of fire. To the Novgorod Officers dismay Tryphon and his entourage wove both the warp and both mundane methods to rapidly heal the Daemon engine, repairing almost all the injuries inflicted. With even more magic the Maulerfiends are hurled forward into the infantry lines, for the Novgorod it appears this is where the Emperor intervened. Away from the controlling influence of the Warpsmiths, the daemons bound within their confinement, thrashed wildly to escape as much as to lash out at the human soldiers. The Crusaders form a shield wall around the first Maulerfiend while the Infantry stab bayonets into the monstrosity, blunting the attack and even wounding the creatures. At a curt order the infantry withdraw 5 paces and form a firing line, blinding the battlefield in sheer weight of las and plasma fire. As the seering retina burn clears both the Maulerfiends lay dead and the first wave of the assault is halted. Further intervention arrives in the form of two tank commanders, the outriders of the reinforcements to the hardpointed position. Levelling the Demolisher Cannon, the lead Leman Russ hits the Defiler square, nearly breaking it in two. The infantry, buoyed by success, advance on the Iron Warriors, wiping out the Havocs before they can level their chainguns, what started as a devastating armoured assault risks becoming a rout for the forces of Chaos. Tryphon and his entourage once again weave their skills and repair the Defiler, restoring it from a barely functioning wreck to a fully operational warmachine. The Dekathla, knowing its orders to destroy the armour as a priority, levels their weapons against the Leman Russ reinforcements, who are both destroyed with criss crossing anti tank fire.

The Novgorod, gaining pace, charge Tryphon, the Defiler and the Warpsmiths entourage. The Defiler is finally killed with concentrated las and plasma fire. As the fanatics charge Tryphon he unleashes gouts of warpfire upon them and two more fall to accurate bolt pistol fire before the Lieutenant is cut in half by Tryphons axe. Falling back at rapid pace, the artillery support arrives for the Imperial forces, only to be destroyed by anti tank fire before it can inflict significant damage. Tryphon rapidly outpaced his pursuers and returned to the line of Iron Warriors, the Hellbrutes and Balas moving into the backline of the Novgorod. The Vulture gunship and final Leman Russ armoured column arrive, destroying one Hellbrute and severely injuring another. The Decimator and Contemper Gryphicaz levelled their C-Beams and speared the Vulture out the sky while the Hellbrutes charged the Leman Russ line, obliterating the last of the armour.

Despite the impressive Las discipline of the Novgorod bringing down three Daemon Engines, they had burned through most of their ammunition. The Novgorod were systematically cut down as they fell back, the supply issues in the sector ruining any hope of a defence. The Iron Warriors overan Cressen without a fight and took control of most of the central peninsula. There was nothing Kutuzov could do to stop the advance other than regroup in the far north and hope that reinforcements would arrive.

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