
Campaign Factions

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Erguras Fall sees increasing activity

With several forces now landing at Haven and battles commencing, it was only a matter of time before the war for the Hecate Gap began on Ergura's Fall. The Imperium already had a small base on the planet, and a detachment of space marines from the Angels of Vengeance and Hammers of the Emperor chapters were scouting the area around the base to ensure it was secure. It was in late 10.022M42 that the Imperium realised they were no longer alone on the world, as first a squad of Angels of Vengeance marines were engaged by a tau scouting force, while almost simultaneously the Hammers of the Emperor encountered the Death Guard.

The Angels were able to see of the Tau scouts, reporting back to their HQ that other forces had made their way to the planet. The Death Guard however wiped out the small force of Hammers, and that paved the way for a stronger force of chaos - this time Thousand Sons, to establish a presence on the world. Unfortunately for the Thousand Sons, they had decided to establish that presence directly under the shadow of and ancient necron city. Vexed by the appearance of the lesser races, the necrons roused to challenge the interlopers, only to be defeated in a very long and hard fought struggle. Now there were multiple factions vying for control of the important world.

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