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Monday, January 08, 2024

Imperial Inquisition Report - Strategic Situation in the Imperium of Mankind


Imperial Inquisition Report - Strategic Situation in the Imperium of Mankind

Date: 0801.024M42

Inquisitor: [REDACTED]

Subject: Strategic Assessment of Imperium's Current Situation


As mandated by the holy duty of the Inquisition, this report provides a comprehensive assessment of the strategic situation within the Imperium of Mankind. The Imperium's recent acquisition of superior logistics through the newly discovered Foramen Nova, a navigable passage through the dreaded Cicatrix Maledictum to the Perseus Deeps, has presented both unprecedented opportunities and challenges.

Logistics Advancements:

The opening of the Foramen Nova has greatly enhanced our logistical capabilities, allowing for swifter reinforcement and supply routes to the far reaches of the Imperium. This newfound strategic advantage is poised to be a cornerstone in the forthcoming campaigns against the enemies of the Emperor.

Military Operations:

General Veers Deployment:

The Imperium's military strategy involves deploying General Veers to Enaloth, from where he will launch operations against various Tau and Necron held planets. His mission extends beyond Enaloth, encompassing strategic objectives across the sector. The Imperium expects this to be a decisive move to counter Tau expansionism.

General Kutuzov's Mission:

Simultaneously, General Kutuzov is tasked with securing the vital Mordecai system from the forces of Chaos. This strategic stronghold must be protected at all costs, serving as a linchpin in our defense against the traitors to the Emperor.

Challenges in the Rifts of Hecate:

Despite these advances, the Imperium faces formidable challenges in the Rifts of Hecate. The ambitious plan to push to the galactic fringe is impeded by the menacing presence of Tyranids and Necrons. The Inquisition must closely monitor developments in this region and advise on tactical adjustments to safeguard our interests.

Ork Threat:

The perennial threat posed by the Orks remains a constant concern. Vigilance is paramount, and strategic defenses must be bolstered to repel any Ork incursions that may disrupt our operations in key sectors.

Tau Expansion in Zadoc Subsector and Perseus Deeps:

In addition to the localized threats, the Tau Empire is eyeing expansion into the Zadoc Subsector and Perseus Deeps. This necessitates proactive measures to counter Tau influence and safeguard Imperial territories. Inquisitorial assets are advised to monitor and assess Tau movements diligently.


Enhanced Surveillance: Increase surveillance and intelligence-gathering efforts in the Rifts of Hecate to monitor Necron and Tyranid activities.

Strategic Defence: Fortify key defensive positions in the path of Ork invasions, ensuring that their disruptive influence is minimized.

Inquisitorial Oversight: Deploy Inquisitorial assets to closely monitor Tau expansionist activities and gather intelligence on their intentions and capabilities.

Coordination of Forces: Facilitate seamless coordination between General Veers' and General Kutuzov's forces to ensure a unified front against the Tau threat.

Continued Exploration: Exploit the logistical advantages provided by the Foramen Nova for continued exploration and expansion into uncharted territories.


The Imperium stands at a critical juncture in the Aleph Sector, armed with newfound logistical prowess and a determined military strategy. The challenges posed by the Tau, Orks, Tyranids, and Necrons demand unwavering vigilance and proactive measures. Through the righteous efforts of the Inquisition, the Imperium shall prevail in the Emperor's name.


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