
Campaign Factions

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Boltarean: Dark Eldar raid Necron tomb

With the Thousand Sons taking the brunt of Stahl's anger in the Perseus Deeps, in the Hadron Expanse the Emerald Serpent, having lost their grip on any control over the Chaos worlds in that region, focussed all their attention to consolidating their gains on their Boltarean fastness. In order to progress this, their sorcerors began investigating the ancient tombs of the Bahotek dynasty that littered the inner planet. This action however set of many unseen alarms, notifying the Aeldari of trespass on the forbidden and long sealed catacombs. Once again, sensing personal profit, the Drukhari of the Crimson Blade led by Vlokarion sprung into action on behalf of their race, appearing without warning through the webway portals hidden on the inner dust planet.


The Emerald serpent summoned a host of daemons in a defensive response, but the Dark Eldar were too fast and efficient to be troubled by the denizens of the warp. One by one the warp spawned abominations were banished to the Empyrean, and in a similar methodical fashion each Necron tomb was ransacked, its riches and artefacts stolen and many of the catacombs blown up by Vlokarion's assault. Then the Dark Eldar disappeared back into the webway, satisfied with the denial of knowledge to the worshippers of the dark gods, and counting the loot of a highly profitable excursion. Vlokarion mused as he looked upon the vast array of necron artefacts. How much would Tarquil pay for these?

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