
Campaign Factions

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Destino: Cybixx launches invasion

Despite Vorushko attempting to get hold of Archmagos Cybixx and ascertain his intentions, it seemed Cybixx was in no mood to talk. Despite Vorushko's declaration of a cesation in Crusade hostilities, Cybixx and his battlestation Mallem Cybixxum arrived at the Destino system in mid 10_018M42 with obvious hostile intent. The archmagos demanded that the system surrender, or his battlestation would pursuade them. When there was no reply Cybixx began to make plans to invade the outer worlds. The invasion of Destino VI was unopposed, but on Destino IV, amongst the snowy terrain, the loyalist bases had been bolstered by the arrival of House Corvus and Legio Dominus.


Following Cybixx's every move, the Legio communicated directly with the Crusade Mechanicum, denouncing the Archmagos as a traitor and a heretic, with mad ambitions and an obsession with Xenos artefacts. Enraged, Cybixx himself led the invasion force on the ice world, leading his army of half machines against the proud knights of House Corvus. Unfortunately for the loyalists, the accuracy of fire from the Knights Errants' Thermal cannons was far below expectations, and the combined failure of the Knights in general to deal with Cybixx's robots would cost them dearly. Withering fire from the Archmagos' robots and walkers quickly destroyed the vanguard of House Corvus, and an outflanking assault by electropriests silenced the Helverins supporting.


Legio Dominus kept fighting until the end, but for Cybixx the assault had been a mere distraction. While he was fighting House Corvus his real plan was to destroy the underground silos that protected the world. Achieving this with 100% efficiency, the system could now no longer defend itself against close assault by Cybixx's battlestation. Realising this, the remaining Knights and loyalists who could leave, fled for the inner worlds.


Cybixx did not have everything his own way on the invasion however. In response to the fighting on Destino IV, the Knights of house Stroganoff relocated a small contingent of their forces in the Destino system to the outer world of Destino VI. Unprepared for such a strange counter-offensive, the crusade mechanicum were taken by surprise. Rapidly outgunned as the Knights pressed in against the small garisson force, the Mechanicum abandoned the world, giving Cybixx pause for thought and a clear message that the loyalists would fight him for every inch of Destino. However, without a fleet in system, it was only a matter of time before the system fell to Cybixx.


The loyalists immediately attempted to ask Vorushko why Cybixx was still attacking when the crusade had declared a truce. Time delays with warp communication would delay an answer by at least a week, in which time Cybixx prepared plans for any type of response from his Inquisitor Lord...


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