
Campaign Factions

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Chaos land on Gamador

In 05.023M42, the forces of Chaos found themselves at a strategic crossroads. The Tau Empire and the Imperium were initiating new offensives, threatening to outflank Chaos positions in the Perseus Deeps while their stalemate against the Imperium on Mordecai persisted. Recognising the danger of these dual offensives, particularly against what was perceived as a dormant Necron Empire, the forces of Chaos, led by the Iron Warriors, launched a pre-emptive invasion of the Necron world of Gamador. Their objectives were twofold: to secure the world and protect vital supply routes from Calliden, and to contest the new Tau invasion of Gamador.

The initial landing by the Iron Warriors was swift and decisive. They captured the tomb complex city of Kagenut, establishing a strong foothold on the planet and defeating the necron presence in the tomb complex. With momentum on their side, the Iron Warriors advanced southwards towards the strategically crucial Bridge of Hashep. This gargantuan megastructure spanned the treacherous terrain of Gamador, serving as a vital link between Kagenut and the Necron stronghold of Nepheru.

However, the Necrons were far from dormant. Launching a formidable counterattack from Nepheru, they forced the Iron Warriors into a tactical withdrawal. To hold the northern end of the Bridge of Hashep, the Iron Warriors summoned the daemonic warband known as the Wayward Passengers. Despite their ferocity, the daemons were eventually banished back to the Warp by the relentless Necron assault, resulting in the Necrons regaining control of the bridge.

The Bridge of Hashep's significance cannot be overstated. It was a strategic lifeline across the harsh and unforgiving terrain of Gamador, critical for maintaining the link between Kagenut and Nepheru. The loss of the bridge represented a severe setback for the Iron Warriors, complicating their efforts to secure the planet and maintain supply lines.

The Battle for Gamador had now become a critical and fiercely contested theatre in the broader conflict within the Perseus Deeps. The initial success of the Iron Warriors underscored their tactical prowess, but the resilience and counterattack capabilities of the Necrons highlighted the challenges of waging war on a tomb world. For now however the forces of chaos had at least established a foothold on the world.

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