
Campaign Factions

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Tyranids land on Mendesum

As the primary factions competing for supremacy in the Aleph Sector shifted their focus, reducing their activities in the Rifts of Hecate, the Tyranids continued their advance into the galaxy. This region, deemed of lesser strategic importance due to the major offensives launched by the Imperium and the Tau Empire in the Perseus Deeps, became the theatre for the relentless advance of Hive Fleet Poseidon, as they continued their inexorable push towards the Hecate Gap.

In 05.024M42, the Hive Fleet set its sights on the Chaos-held system of Mendesum. The invasion commenced with swarms of Tyranids making planetfall, initiating a brutal and swift assault on the world. The Chaos forces, caught off guard by the sheer ferocity of the xenos assault, were compelled to retreat towards their largest settlement, Mendesum Prime, and in a desperate bid to halt the Tyranid advance, Chaos sorcerers summoned daemonic hordes, deploying these infernal allies as a bulwark against the encroaching threat.

However, the daemonic forces proved no match for the Tyranids. The xenos creatures, driven by an insatiable hunger, tore through the daemonic ranks with ruthless efficiency. The hastily summoned defenders were ripped apart, their supernatural prowess insufficient to stem the tide of the Hive Fleet.

By the end of 05.024M42, the situation on Mendesum had deteriorated catastrophically for the forces of Chaos. Tyranid bioforms rampaged unchecked across the planet, their advance apparently unstoppable, and the once formidable defences of Mendesum crumbled under the relentless assault. The forces of Chaos, now beleaguered and desperate, found themselves besieged within Mendesum Prime, the largest city and their final stronghold on the planet.

Within Mendesum Prime, the atmosphere was one of grim resolve and impending doom. The city's defences, designed to repel conventional foes, strained under the pressure of the Tyranid onslaught. Chaos Space Marines, traitor guardsmen, and summoned daemons prepared for a last stand, aware that the Hive Fleet Poseidon would not relent until every last living thing was consumed.

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