Sunday, October 22, 2017

Novgorod continue offensive on Hylas

Van Dorn's offensive on Hylas continued in 10.017M42 with a drive south into the plains of West Coast towards Berkeley. Out on the rolling open plains the Novgorod Guard spearheading the offensive found the greenskin counter rushes easier to deal with, as artillery and massed lasgun fire cut down the orks in swathes.

Van Dorn did note however that the orks he was encountering were not Von Bismork's and that Warboss Kogh had sent at least some of his boyz back to Hylas. This was unsettling to the Imperial General, as he had hoped to close out the war against the orks by the end of 017M42. Now that was looking increasingly unlikely.

Even so as the Novgorod war machine rolled into Berkeley there was cheering from the remaining human population, who had been put to work as slaves for the greenskin race. Ugly alien "modifikashuns" to buildings were torn down, remaining Xenos were hunted down and mercilessly dispatched, and the war on Hylas continued to tip in the favour of the Imperium.

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