Sunday, April 29, 2018

Orks found at Oreen

The next system to be investigated by the loyalist battlgroup was the system of Oreen. Oreen had once been an imperial world but upon arriving in system Barham's fleet found to their alarm no sign of human habitation. In fact what they did find was an ork infested world where the Emerald Serpent were already engaged in heavy fighting.

The Thousand Sons and the Daemon prince known as "Marcus" knew well of the Imperial aim to get to Oreen, and used their knowledge of the warp to get their first. However, instead of setting a trap for the inbound imperial forces, the traitors found themselves assaulted by hordes of greenskins chanting "Rustoof", the presumed leader of the orks. The overwhelming numbers simply washed over the small elite forces the Emerald Serpent had committed to the landing, and in short order the invasion was abandoned.

Following the defeat of the forces of chaos, the orks were somewhat delighted at the arrival of more enemies and the prospect of more fighting. The loyalists, foolishly believing the ork chaos encounter they witnessed from orbit to be a meeting of disorganised rabbles, planned to land in force, create a perimeter and claim the main planet in the name of the emperor.

Rustoofs orks however appeared legion, and the landing imperial force was similarly overwhelmed by greenskin boyz. Even massed imperial firepower from the Imperial Guard regiment "Last of Sycorax" was unable to halt the tide, and the imperial landing was a complete disaster. The imperium and chaos forces had underestimated the greenskins, and had now poked a hornets nest. gathering his nobz about him and ordering his minions to loot the worlds of the system, the orks - in actual fact numbering millions, began preparing for a Waagh!

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