Saturday, November 03, 2018

Tau defend Mimir from chaos

In early 11.018M42 the forces of chaos began to probe the other systems in the Echo Cluster, having secured Boltarean. For the moment, they bypassed Palantir and Echo Reach, where they knew powerful fleets and defences protected the main colonies, and instead launched an assault on Mimir. 

Hosting the Federal colony of New Titania the outer planets were nonetheless controlled and defended by the Tau of commander Malkaor. The first arrivals were the Death Guard, who sent in their elite terminator forces to silence that xenos base on the outer worlds. However, the Tau were  not easily intimidated even by the pustulant elite forces of nurgle, and Malkaor’s forces remained disciplined in their fire as the Death Guard Terminators slowly approached them

For the chaos forces, the carefully planned defences of the Tau were a serious problem, as they lacked any long range firepower. Unable to swiftly close with their enemy the chaos marines were inevitably slowly cut down by overwhelming firepower, forcing the chaos raiders to give up on their assault. 

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