Saturday, December 01, 2018

Infighting amongst allies creates uncertainty

As 12.018M42 began, infighting between the chaos and imperial forces escalated. Not content with their status as “hanger on” the recently arrived World Eaters decided to launch their own claim on the chaos device, bored of what they perceived as inactivity by Stahl while he consolidated his forces. The Black Legion however, fully committed to the warsmith’s aims, blocked the small World Eaters force and bloodshed erupted in the chaos held areas of the city, as the Khornate Berzerkers threw themselves at their chaos brethren. The khorne legion was stopped, but the Blood God got his rewards in any case. 

Meanwhile in the imperial sector the forces of the imperial cult were once again attacked and “purged” from the central ruins of Praxis. Worried that the fanatical cult were a danger to imperial plans and not entirely trusting their religious zeal, this time the Grey Knights removed the irregular forces from the city. At Nova Kazan, the imperial base, many of the Novgorod regiments and the Ecclesiarchy pleaded with General Konev to put an end to the purges, but the general had no say over the actions of the actions of the astartes. 

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