The eldar, aware this was the location of a key webway portal, reacted in strength. Craftworld Ul'Staer even deployed a mighty wraithnight to oppose the Custodes now marching up the slopes to the plateau overlooking the city. Intense fighting followed, but the elite Custodes forces were able to push the eldar aside and take the heights. Now Konev had managed to almost surround the forces which themselves were surrounding his forces in the city centre.
Over near the vast sprawl of the ruined city of Menthoteph, the orks, now leaderless and uncontrolled by their former chaos allies, had managed to attract even more greenskins to the fight on Hexis. Attacking without warning, or apparent motive apart from to engage in violence, the orks crashed into the Imperial lines taking another detachment of Custodes by surprise. Unprepared for this attack, the Custodes were forced to withdraw, and it took a counter attack by the Adeptus Mechanicus to reestablish the imperial line. the war on Hexis had reignited once more, and appeared to be far from a resolution.
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