Saturday, September 21, 2024

Sky Lords intervene on Hylas

Following the Space Wolf raids against the Federacy the Sky Lords responded to the request for aid at Hylas. By 07.024M42 the Alliance, led by Hartak forces had established a bridgehead in the far south of the world and were moving on the southern settlements of Desmond and Finlay. The astartes raid had slowed the Federal advance, giving the imperial forces time to build defensive lines along the only feasible route to the capital Eden's landing, but by late 07.024M42 the squats were once again advancing north.

The Sky Lords took an aggressive stance, rolling into Desmond in their heavily armoured land raiders, but they had severely underestimated the Hartak forces. Expecting mostly infantry and light vehicles the Sky Lords were wholly unprepared for the sudden appearance of a giant mining drill burrowing upwards into the armoured column. Pandemonium followed and although the asatartes terminators were able to cut down many of the Hartak infantry, the entire armoured column was destroyed, forcing the Sky Lords first company to evacuate Desmond.

By the end of 07.024M42 the Federacy had secured Desmond and Finlay looked likely to be indefensible. The war paused as a cold winter struck the southern hemisphere, but soon the battle for West Hallen and the approaches to Collingwood would begin in earnest.

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