The Tyranid invasion came without warning, descending upon Calthingum in a storm of chitin and claw. The Emperor’s Children, entrenched in their pleasure-warped fortresses, had been expecting raids from the Orks or the forces of the Imperium, but the arrival of the Hive Fleet caught them completely off guard.
Before the traitor marines could even properly marshal a defence, the Tyranids closed the distance with terrifying speed, overwhelming gun emplacements, Chaos warbands, and defensive redoubts in a matter of hours. The Emperor’s Children, masters of excess and ranged slaughter, were wholly unprepared for a war where their enemies refused to give them space to fight.
In the ensuing battle, the Tyranids tore through the Chaos lines with relentless fury. The close-quarters combat favoured the xenos, whose monstrous creatures and swarming gaunts ripped apart traitor Astartes before they could react. The decadent warriors of Slaanesh, typically reveling in drawn-out, sadistic battles, were instead subjected to a swift and brutal massacre. As hive beasts and warrior forms shredded the corrupted marines limb from limb, the Emperor’s Children quickly realised that no amount of excess-fuelled pleasure in battle could counter the raw biological efficiency of the Hive Mind.
With their forces in disarray and no time to mount an effective counterattack, the Emperor’s Children were forced to retreat, abandoning vast sections of their once-fortified world. By the beginning of 03.025M42, the defensive infrastructure of Calthingum lay in ruins, and the remnants of the Chaos forces were scattered and broken.
Though the Daemon World of Fecus Major still loomed nearby, it was clear that Calthingum had already been lost. Unless Chaos could muster a decisive intervention, the Tyranids would soon consume the planet entirely, adding yet another world to the ever-growing biomass of the Hive
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