Friday, October 11, 2024

Orks land on Erguras Fall

Activity in the Hadron Expanse had been low for around a Terran year by mid 10.024M42. Hive Fleet Poseidon appeared to be quiescent, although the Adeptus Biologis hypothesised that they may be in a "digestion" phase of their lifecycle, having recently conquered and absorbed three systems within the Rifts of Hecate. The forces of Chaos had consolidated their forces on Mendesum and continued to research exotic plagues under the direction of the Death Guard, and the Tau seemed content to maintain their watch at Garmenes.

In the strategically significant Hecate Gap, the trench lines dug by the Imperium at Haven had not moved for months, as they were content to hold the Ork threat off while maintaining control over their space port and defence lasers. With the Fleet in orbit, Haven was by now an Imperial controlled system with a cut off pocket of orks on the main continent. Ergura's Fall was more complicated, with no major power having overall control of the world. The brutal Erguran winter had set in however, making new assaults almost impossible. Now however, it was spring on Ergura's Fall once more, and with that spring came an unwelcome new invasion. The orks had returned to the Hecate Gap in force.

The ork invasion was modest by ork standards but still enough to butcher a chaos space marine contingent in the north of the world and set up a new encampment of greenskins. As of 11.10.024M42 the Imperium did not yet consider this new ork force a credible threat, but began monitoring the situation for any escalation. An all out Waagh! against the two systems of the Hecate Gap would put the Imperial held systems in the Expanse at considerable risk, as no new resources could be found and diverted to the region. The Tau took a close interest as well, as their "Hadron Expansion Sphere" lay directly in the path of any invading ork horde.

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