Thursday, October 17, 2024

Tau covert operations on Hylas

By 10.024M42, the war on Hylas had settled into a tense, largely static conflict. The Imperial forces, reinforced by veterans from across the sector, had dug in behind the natural defenses of the West Hallen Marshes, a strong defensive line that anchored their positions. With the vast Sea of Eden’s Trench to one side and the towering, impassable peaks of Mount Flynn on the other, the West Hallen front became a fortress-like bastion. This provided the Imperium with a strong defensive posture, effectively deterring any major offensive by the Federacy throughout the harsh winter months.

As spring came to Hylas, however, Imperial commanders anticipated that the relative calm would soon end. The Federal forces, overwintering in the Beng Region, had yet to launch their spring offensive, but all signs pointed to an impending assault. Finlay, the most vulnerable of the Imperial defensive positions, was considered the most likely target. Alternatively, the Federacy might attempt a flanking maneuver to bypass West Hallen, advancing westward through Berkeley, Sarina, and down into Collingwood, an arduous trek spanning thousands of kilometers. Despite this possibility, Imperial strategists predicted that the main advance would likely focus on the shorter and more direct route through West Hallen.

The Tau’s Covert Support

While the Tau Empire had not officially committed their front-line forces to the battle for Hylas, they continued to covertly support their allies in the Federacy. The costly battles on New Cerberex had tempered the Tau’s willingness to openly engage the Imperium, especially given the ever-present threat of Astartes intervention. The Dark Angels, still maintaining a base at Mount Bone on New Cerberex, had already shown their willingness to respond to conflicts involving the Tau, and the xenos commanders hoped to avoid drawing their ire.

Despite this, the Tau remained honour-bound to their alliance with the Federacy and provided indirect assistance. Covert operations teams were deployed to Hylas, including units of Vespid Stingwings—elite, swift-moving warriors known for their expertise in reconnaissance and precision strikes. One such team was dispatched to conduct patrols around the East Hallen forts, a key Imperial stronghold.

The Surprise at East Hallen

In a daring operation, the Vespid Stingwings launched a covert reconnaissance mission that ended in a bloody confrontation. Their objective was to gather intelligence on the disposition of the Imperial forces defending East Hallen, particularly those manned by the grim soldiers of the Death Korps of Krieg. The Death Korps, known for their stoic endurance and unyielding defense, had fortified East Hallen with trench networks and artillery emplacements, prepared to face any assault.

However, in the shadows of the East Hallen defenses, the Vespid launched a surprise attack. Their advanced alien technology, coupled with their speed and precision, allowed them to catch the Krieg defenders completely off guard. In a matter of hours, the Vespid had massacred the garrison, leaving the Imperial lines shattered. The swift and brutal engagement stunned the Imperium, as they had not anticipated such a devastating blow from what they believed were purely reconnaissance forces.

Preparing for the Federal Offensive

The success of the Vespid Stingwings not only provided critical intelligence to the Federacy-Tau alliance but also served as a morale boost to their war effort. With detailed knowledge of the Imperial defenses in East Hallen, the alliance began preparing for their next offensive, confident that they could exploit the weaknesses revealed in the wake of the surprise attack.

The Imperium, reeling from the massacre at East Hallen, scrambled to reinforce their positions and bolster their defenses. While the immediate threat was contained, the psychological blow to the Imperial forces was undeniable. The realisation that the Tau were actively supporting the Federacy, albeit covertly, added a new layer of complexity to the war on Hylas. Imperial commanders now faced the prospect of battling not only the secessionist forces of the Federacy but also the advanced technology and cunning tactics of the Tau, all while under the looming shadow of potential Astartes involvement.

As the spring of 10.024M42 unfolded, the war on Hylas stood at a crucial turning point. The Federacy, bolstered by Tau support, prepared for their next move, while the Imperium braced for an offensive that could break their hold on the planet.

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