Valitane - Imperial
Valitane's star is a M4 red dwarf and the planet is constantly bathed in the star's baleful red glow. The atmosphere is thin and those not used to the environment often become sick within weeks of landing on the world. Valitane is dry, with almost all the water on the planet locked in ice caps which are harvested for the population's water needs. Valitane is heavily dependent on neighbouring worlds for food and water, and the population live most of their time in sealed hive cities which dot the planet.The political structure of Valitane is in line with that of the rest of the subsector in that it is ruled by a hereditary monarch, currently of house Carduel. Valitane is the most powerful and system in the subsector, home to teeming billions and maintaining a large standing military including no fewer than seven capital ships.
Valitane has several bases within its own system and several colonies in other systems which are often looked upon enviously by the other major worlds.
Star: F5 V Yellow-white Main Sequence
Classification: Civilised World
Pop: 8.2 Billion
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruler: His Imperial Majesty King Ruto Carduel (House Carduel)
Type: Terrestrial World
Orbital Radius: 3.37 x 107 km (0.23 AU)
Period: 1.60 x 103 hours (0.18 earth years)
Physics: Large iron/silicate
Gravity: 13.74 m/s2 (1.40 x earth)
Hydrosphere: 0 % water, 14 % ice
Atmosphere: Thin reducing
Civilization: Military Garrison
Special: Heavy radiation, heavy volcanism
Major Cities: Agracius, Ethor, Antopium, Parovon, Swardius, Viropias
Vexim - Imperial
Vexim is a large world with a thick atmosphere and intense gravity which shortens the lifespan of many of its citizens. Most of the population work in the fisheries which dot the vast oceans of the planet, or on the crop fields which stretch in all directions on the planet’s large single continent.
The rich live in the cities which are walled and gated, separating the majority of the population from the ruling classes. The farmers themselves live mostly in ad-hoc constructions mostly built of hard wearing rocks.
Vexim is currently ruled by a member of house Bragon, but is the junior partner of the alliance with the much more important mining world of Euphannur and is often neglected. The royal house doesn’t particularly care for the fifteen million inhabitants of the world, so long as the lucrative export trade in foodstuffs to the mining world continues.
Star: B5 Hot Blue/White Sun.
Classification: Agri World
Pop: 15.9 Million
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruler: His Royal Majesty King Tamar Bragon (House Bragon)
Type: Terrestrial World (Temperate, average)
Orbital Radius: 2.81 x 1010 km (187.99 AU)
Period: 6.40 x 106 hours (732.60 earth years)
Physics: Large iron/silicate
Gravity: 17.13 m/s2 (1.75 x earth)
Hydrosphere: 65 % water, 45 % ice
Atmosphere: Normal
Special: 2 small moons
Major Cities: Castanias, Ugea, Utinica
Halle - Imperial
Halle is an average sized world which rotates every 9 hours, resulting in very thorough mixing of its atmosphere. The result is that the temperature at the poles is only ten degrees cooler than that at the equator, and the entire planet is farmed. Halle has no oceans and surface water is confined to small seas and lakes, but most of the water collects in vast marshy bogs which cover vast tracts of land. Even these are farmed for algae which is converted into edible soup for the poor. This algae soup forms most of the inhabitants’ diet, while their produce is shipped to other worlds.
Halle is an oddity in the Valitane subsector in that the King does not rule but reign. Much of the powers of the Imperial governor have been devolved to the world’s first minister, who is the de-facto ruler of the planet. The first minister, along with the rest of the five hundred strong council of government is elected every five years by the leader of each of the planet’s districts.
Halle’s districts are in fact large regions of the planet, similar to nations in their own right, most of which are ruled themselves by hereditary lords who style themselves as dukes or lords. Their main duty is to maintain the production of the crops which are Halle’s main export, but also to maintain their own standing army. In effect Halle has a form of elected feudalism.
Life for the ordinary citizen is relatively grim compared to the citizens on the other worlds of the subsector, living in hovels in small villages and performing much of the harvest by hand. They are in effect serfs, and only the landed gentry can afford technology or access to things such as medical care.
Star: K7 Orange Main sequence Star. Distant red dwarf star. 2 massive Jovian planets
Classification: Agri World
Pop: 1.7 Billion
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Ruler: King Tamar Halcard (House Halcard)
Type: Terrestrial World (Temperate, cool)
Orbital Radius: 8.27 x 107 km (0.55 AU)
Period: 3.96 x 103 hours (0.45 earth years)
Physics: Standard iron/silicate
Gravity: 9.85 m/s2 (1.01 x earth)
Hydrosphere: 30 % water, 17 % ice
Atmosphere: Thick
Major Cities: Estya, Peronul, Euphopius, Brunduanis
Borielle - Imperial
Borielle is an earth like world orbiting a sol like star, but unlike Holy Terra the planet has no moon and over the millennia has become tidally locked in its orbit with its star. The same face always points to the blazing sun while the other side is in constant darkness. The effect is that one side of Borielle is green and verdant and hot at the equator, while the other side is covered in ice. Borielle’s atmosphere does transfer heat from one side to the other, but not enough to render over half the world uninhabitable.
The settlements of Cardinal World cluster in the temperate belt where the sun is always at 45 degrees above the horizon. There is no day/night cycle, just endless daylight bathing the cathedrals. Towards the centre of the sunlight side the weather is turbulent with violent storms, while winter lurks in the shadows of the twilight zones. On the dark side there are no settlements as nothing can survive in the perpetual night and frost.
The Borielle system was settled as a cardinal world over five thousand years ago. Since then the Pontiff of the Beneficient Emperor has arbitrated wars and disputes between the five major systems in the Valitane region and the noble houses of the subsector.
Star: Orbit tidally locked. G5 Yellow main sequence star.
Classification: Cardinal World
Pop: 3.2 Million
Type: Terrestrial World
Government: Ecclesiarchy
Ruler: The Beneficient Emperor’s Holy Father Pontiff Alexius XXIV
Orbital Radius: 1.36 x 108 km (0.91 AU)
Period: 7.55 x 103 hours (0.86 earth years)
Physics: Standard iron/silicate
Gravity: 9.25 m/s2 (0.95 x earth)
Hydrosphere: 12 % water, 22 % ice
Atmosphere: Average
Major Cities: Vaticus, Segardus, Albandia, Nubatrias
Cesoria - Imperial
Cesoria is a large world which circles its hot bright star once every 13 terran years. Its population of 14.7 million live nomadic lives on the vast scrubby plains of the world, which lacks oceans and is gradually losing its atmosphere thanks to the flare nature of the Cesorian star, though this will not happen fully for several billion years.
Cesoria is administered by the other five worlds in the subsector and each have settlements or colonies on the world. From here they variously subjugate or protect the nomads who cross their territory, and are gradually expanding their homesteads and pushing the natives off their ancient lands. Cesoria has been the site of several wars over the centuries as the five major systems fight their wars with each other over the feral world colonies.
Star: A2 White Subgiant volatile star.
Classification: Feral World
Pop: 14.7 Million
Government: Colonies of Valitane Worlds
Ruler: N/A
Type: Terrestrial World (scrubland, plains)
Orbital Radius: 1.41 x 109 km (9.46 AU)
Period: 1.17 x 105 hours (13.34 earth years)
Physics: Large iron/silicate
Gravity: 12.07 m/s2 (1.23 x earth)
Hydrosphere: 12 % water, 23 % ice
Atmosphere: Dense reducing
Major Cities: Estus, New Valitane, Mytennia
Euphannur - Imperial
Euphannur is an inhospitable planet, bathed in a dim red light from its variable star, with temperatures varying from far below freezing to near boiling point at the surface. The planet’s atmosphere has been almost entirely stripped away by violent solar flares, but the world supports a population of two and a half billion none-the-less. Euphannur has one small moon and small colonies and bases on the moons of its outer gas giant planets, including a vast naval dockyard.Euphannur is rich in vital metal ores which are the raw material for all technology produced in Valitane and is as such extremely important. Ruled by House Bragon, the control of it has made the Bragons the most powerful house in the subsector, despite the Carduel’s continuing command of Valitane.
The population live in sealed hives which are similar to those on Valitane, and most of the population have a reasonable standard of living. All food is shipped in and fresh food is extremely expensive. The population’s diet is supplemented by vitamin filled bread, and fresh fruit is a delicacy which can cost as much as a small house. Technology and hardware is however comparatively cheap, as the mining world also supports a large manufacturing industry.
Star: M4 red dwarf star.
Classification: Mining World
Pop: 2.5 Billion
Government: Hereditary Monarchy
Ruler: His Majesty King Hared Bragon (House Bragon - cousin)
Type: Terrestrial World (death world)
Orbital Radius: 2.90 x 107 km (0.19 AU)
Period: 1.27 x 103 hours (0.15 earth years)
Physics: Standard iron/silicate
Gravity: 10.32 m/s2 (1.06 x earth)
Hydrosphere: 0 % water, 11 % ice
Atmosphere: Thin corrosive
Special: Electromagnetic storms, large moon
Major Cities: Ebycum, Eurabini, Sibarana, Austra, Lucilyia
Cyprarcaea - Imperial
Cyprarcaea is a small world which orbits rapidly around its small red dwarf star. Despite only supporting a human population of 150,000 the planet has no greenery, and most of the land mass is covered in vast factories, research facilities and technological secrets known only to the cult of the machine god.Cyprarcaea is an adeptus mechanicus world and it bears the responsibility for the maintenance of all technology in the subsector. This includes keeping the secrets of the machine god for the cult and preventing their falling into the hands of those who do not understand the Omnissiah. There are many more tech priests on the other worlds of the subsector than there are on Cyprarcaea, but the system is still the headquarters for the Adeptus Mechanicus in the region.
The system is well defended, and there is a servitor population of several million on the planet itself, tending the ancient systems which are the beating heart of the world. Its military power is unknown, but in the past Cyprarcaea has employed battleships and titans when it has become involved in the internecine wars of the subsector, something it tries its best to avoid.
Star: M2 Red Dwarf star
Classification: Adeptus Mechanicus World
Pop: 150,000
Ruler: High Magos Gareck Denobar
Type: Terrestrial World
Orbital Radius: 2.27 x 107 km (0.15 AU)
Period: 9.69 x 102 hours (0.11 earth years)
Physics: Standard iron/silicate
Gravity: 8.72 m/s2 (0.89 x earth)
Hydrosphere: 68 % water, 25 % ice
Atmosphere: Standard breathable
Minor Worlds
Planet Function: Exploration Base
Government: Guild
Planet Type: Terrestrial
Terrain: Plateau
Gravity: Standard
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Length of Day: 35 standard hours
Length of Year: 225 days
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Temperature: Temperate
Population: 900
Varestor II
Planet Function: Colony
Government: Military
Planet Type: Terrestrial
Terrain: Barren
Gravity: Standard
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Length of Day: 30 standard hours
Length of Year: 270 days
Hydrosphere: Dry
Temperature: Temperate
Population: 8,000,000
Planet Function: Trade Outpost
Government: Guilds
Planet Type: Terrestrial
Terrain: Barren
Gravity: Standard
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Length of Day: 28 standard hours
Length of Year: 270 days
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Temperature: Cool
Population: 90,000
Planet Function: Colony
Government: Tribal
Planet Type: Terrestrial
Terrain: Ocean
Gravity: Standard
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Length of Day: 25 hours
Length of Year: 255 days
Hydrosphere: Wet
Temperature: Cool
Population: 2,000,000
Planet Function: Natural Resources
Government: Guilds
Planet Type: Terrestrial
Terrain: Wetlands
Gravity: Standard
Atmosphere: Type II (Breath Mask Suggested)
Length of Day: 27 hours
Length of Year: 492 days
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Temperature: Temperate
Population: 6,000,000
Planet Function: Exploration Base
Government: Military
Planet Type: Terrestrial
Terrain: Volcanic
Gravity: Light
Atmosphere: Type IV (Environment Suit Required)
Length of Day: 8 hours
Length of Year: 225 days
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Temperature: Cool
Population: 6,000,000
Planet Function: Mining
Government: Valitane Colony
Planet Type: Satellite
Terrain: Mountain
Gravity: Standard
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Length of Day: 19 hours
Length of Year: 4800 days
Hydrosphere: Dry
Temperature: Temperate
Population: 2,000,000
Planet Function: Abandonned colony
Government: Valitane Colony
Planet Type: Terrestrial
Terrain: Rocky
Gravity: Standard
Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
Length of Day: 15 hours
Length of Year: 83 days
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Temperature: Searing
Population: 400,000
Planet Function: Mining
Government: Imperial Governor
Planet Type: Terrestrial
Terrain: Wetlands
Gravity: Standard
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Length of Day: 19 hours
Length of Year: 210 days
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Temperature: Temperate
Population: 1000
Planet Function: Abandonned Colony
Government: Halle Colony
Planet Type: Terrestrial
Terrain: Desert
Gravity: Standard
Atmosphere: Type III (breath mask required)
Length of Day: 28 hours
Length of Year: 255 days
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Temperature: Temperate
Population: 3000
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