More alarmingly for Veers, rumours of cults on Bastien were reaching his level of command. Concerned that these may be the ruinous powers reacting to events, the Grey Knights agreed to explore the forgotten underhive of Meshuggah, where inquisition agents had only recently destroyed a khornate cult. However this time the astartes did not find worshippers of the dark gods, but something far worse. A genestealer cult had begun growing in the western hive reaches, no doubt carried on the ships from Hemera which had been lost to the xenos some years before. The Grey Knights put the aliens and their human followers to the sword in a bloody engagement that resulted in the quarantine of the city. General Veers only barely persuaded Rex from burning the entire settlement to the ground.
Meanwhile on Mordecai Tersius the Grey Knights set about challenging the forces of chaos, striking well behind enemy lines and destroying communications and supply lines ahead of the reinvigorated imperial army under General Kutuzov. This had the desired effect of eliciting a response from the Emerald Serpent, resulting in a bloody pitched battle as the Grey Knights then deployed their main forces against the daemons of the Serpent’s army. The daemons were banished and the Emerald Serpent resoundingly defeated, putting the imperium back on the front foot on their tenuous hold in the strategically vital Mordecai system. However, these gains would mean nothing to Kutuzov if the Foramen base were to be lost.
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