Monday, March 30, 2020

Corticant cleared of Eldar

By late 03.020M42 General Veers was close to victory on Corticant. The eldar were now holed up in the settlement of Fairmoor, in the western region of the inhabited zone of the planet. Veers wanted a quick win, and although the planet would never be fully rid of the eldar threat until all warp portals were hunted down and eliminated, clearing the world of eldar from Imperial territory would be a major step forward. Finding the webway gates could then begin.
Veers knew only a frontal assault would achieve victory quickly, and once again he turned to the blunt instrument that was the Novgorod Guard. The imperial force advanced on Fairmoor, opposed by a significant army of Ul'Staer warriors. The battle began with the Imperium concentrating their fire on an enemy wraithknight, but its demise caused the guard as many problems as it solved, as the giant walker exploded violently, killing many on one flank of their advance, including a company commander.
With this apparent success, the eldar then threw in their wraithguard reserve, wiping out the lead elements of the Novgorod advance. However, the Novgorod always have more men to throw into the fight, and attrition is the nature of their strategy. Supported by their largely intact armoured forces, the second wave of infantry swarmed over the eldar positions, breaking the defenders and sweeping into the settlement. Now displaced from their last meaningful territorial hold on Corticant, the remnants of the eldar forces drifted away, either into the wilderness or back into the webway. By 3103.020M42 General Veers was able to report that Corticant was fully back under Imperial control for the first time in years.

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