Thursday, May 05, 2022

New chaos offensive on Mordecai

On Mordecai the start of 05.022M42 saw the first movement on the front lines of the southern sector, or in fact anywhere along the front lines in some time, as a force of chaos knights crashed into imperial lines between the Sarkar traps and lake Pargenath, a small strip of basalt plain separating the two lava seas and forming a vital strategic route between chaos held Nazurgal and the Sathugar ore mines.

The power of the war engines quickly overwhelmed the Imperial Guard defences, and the Order of the Bloody Rose - a chapter of the Adeptus Soritas, left their Fortress of Celestine to deal with this new threat. Unfortunately for the Sisters of Battle, the power of the enemy Knights overwhelmed them, and the counter attack overwhelmed them, inflicting a serious tactical defeat on the Imperium and opening up a gateway towards the now undefended mining complexes that had seen so much fighting.

General Kutuzov, recently informed of his new commanders, now had to plan once again operations to shore up his lines, and he desperately needed something to address the worsening strategic situation on Mordecai Secundus. The initial invasion of Mordecai Secundus back in 10.019M42 was supposed to have delivered victory in 6 months. 31 months later and the Imperium barely held one third of the planet - and Mordecai Primaris was still the largest world in the system.

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