Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Reclamation of Kagenut: Necron Counterattack on Gamador (09.024M42 - 10.024M42)

In late 023M42, the Chaos incursion into Gamador, located in the Perseus Deeps, resulted in the sacking of the tomb complex at Kagenut. The forces of Chaos, aided by the Dark Mechanicus, plundered the ancient Necron site, seeking to uncover its arcane secrets. Despite this desecration, the Necrons did not immediately respond with a significant counteroffensive. For nearly a year, the tomb complexes of Gamador remained largely dormant, offering no organised resistance to the invaders.

However, in 09.024M42, the growing presence of Chaos forces and renewed Necron activity elsewhere in the region finally triggered the reanimation protocols of the Gamador tomb complexes. The ancient Necron war machine stirred to life, and by 10.024M42, a vast Necron army materialised at the gates of Kagenut. The Dark Mechanicus, still entrenched within the tomb complex, were desperately working to extract knowledge and technology from its depths when the Necron legions descended upon them.

Recognising the imminent threat to their Dark Mechanicus allies, the Night Lords, an infamous Chaos warband, launched a preemptive strike. Their assault was fierce and initially effective, driving the Necrons back and creating a temporary breach in their lines. For a brief moment, it seemed as though Chaos might maintain its grip on Kagenut.

However, the tide of battle shifted when the Necron overlord of Gamador personally intervened, accompanied by a powerful Cryptek who unleashed devastating arcane technology. This combined leadership rallied the Necron forces and shattered the momentum of the Chaos assault. The Night Lords, now facing a fully-coordinated Necron army, began to falter. Realising  their position was untenable, the Dark Mechanicus chose to retreat, abandoning their spoils and fleeing Gamador to avoid complete annihilation.

By the end of 10.024M42, Kagenut was once again under Necron control. Though the Chaos forces had been repelled, the Necrons’ hold on Gamador remained precarious, with the wider conflict in the Perseus Deeps far from resolved. For the moment, however, the Necron overlord had reclaimed the tomb complex and secured its secrets from the grasp of the Dark Gods.

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