Sulidaan, a desolate and uninhabited world, had remained shrouded in mystery since its initial cataloguing in M36 by an Adeptus Mechanicus explorator fleet. Identified as a dead world with xenos ruins of indeterminate origin, it was long ignored by the Imperium. In the tumultuous 41st Millennium, however, the ruins were confirmed to belong to the Necron Harakhty Dynasty, which stirred to life during their awakening. Sulidaan became a dormant but significant waypoint in the broader conflict for dominance in the Perseus Deeps.
In 024.M42, General Veers spearheaded a massive Imperial Crusade to secure the left flank of the Imperial advance into the Perseus Deeps. The campaign targeted three key worlds: Enaloth, Gamordal, and Sulidaan, with the goal of solidifying control over vital warp routes. While the initial conquest of Enaloth was swift, the campaign faltered amidst protracted battles on Gamordal, forcing Veers to redirect his attention.
Deeming Sulidaan a potential threat and needing critical intelligence, Veers dispatched scouting forces from the Aleph Wardens Regiment. These seasoned guardsmen were tasked with investigating the Necron site known as the Obelisk of the Silent Veil, a towering and ominous structure that dominated the planet's surface.
The Aleph Wardens landed near the Obelisk and found Sulidaan's surface eerily quiet, with no sign of active Necron forces. Their cautious advance into the tomb complex, however, quickly revealed Sulidaan's deadly secrets. Deep within the catacombs, the Imperial kill team encountered unexpected resistance: the Death Guard, foul agents of Nurgle, had also come to Sulidaan, drawn by the promise of untapped Necron technology and ancient power. As the two factions manoeuvred through the ancient corridors, their clash triggered a response from the tomb's dormant defenders. The Necrons awakened swiftly, dispatching their Canoptek constructs and Immortals to purge all trespassers. The Death Guard, though formidable, were almost entirely annihilated by the Necron onslaught, their bloated forms no match for the unrelenting firepower of the tomb's defences.
Just as the Aleph Wardens prepared to engage the Necrons, the situation grew even more perilous. A troupe of Aeldari Harlequins emerged from the shadows, their arrival as sudden as it was theatrical. Their motives were clear: to prevent any faction—Imperial, Necron, or Chaos—from exploiting the tomb's secrets. Despite their agility and esoteric weaponry, the Harlequins struggled against the combined might of the Necron defenders, the scattered remnants of the Death Guard, and the disciplined firepower of the Imperial agents. Recognising their disadvantage, the Harlequins retreated, leaving the remaining combatants to face the Necron tomb's automated defences alone.
With the Harlequins gone and the Death Guard eradicated, the Aleph Wardens found themselves isolated against the Necron forces. Understanding the overwhelming strength of the tomb complex and having gathered sufficient intelligence, the squad commander made the prudent decision to retreat. The Imperium now had confirmation that Sulidaan remained a formidable Necron bastion, its defences unbroken and its tomb world ready to respond to any perceived threat.
The events on Sulidaan revealed much about the world’s strategic significance. Not only did the Necron Harakhty Dynasty maintain a stronghold here, but the presence of the Death Guard suggested that Chaos forces were also probing the region for opportunities to exploit. The intervention of the Harlequins, while ultimately ineffective, underscored the galaxy-spanning ramifications of Sulidaan’s ancient secrets.
For General Veers, the skirmish served as a disappointing reminder of the challenges facing the Crusade. Sulidaan remained firmly under Necron control, its tomb complex bristling with defences, and the forces of Chaos and the Aeldari posed additional threats to any future Imperial attempts to claim the world. The battle for the Perseus Deeps was far from over, and Sulidaan stood as a silent testament to the dangers lurking in the shadows of the ancient galaxy.
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