Sunday, April 15, 2018

Eldar complete search on Einmyrria

...Tarquil gazed out over the frozen wastelands of Einmyrria. The demented mutating aurora of the Cicatrix coloured the ice fields in a nauseating display of garish pinks, blues and purples. The aged Farseer couldn't shake the feeling that this planet was testing them. First had come the servants of the Dark Prince. After them the children of decay. Now arrayed before them were the diverse minions of the Changer of Ways. Tarquil vowed if they were to be tested at the perverse whims of the chaos gods then they would not be found wanting...

The Aeldari's intense interest in Einmyrria had not gone unnoticed. Magnus the Red was determined to find out what was so precious it could draw the Eldar to a barren daemon world and claim it for himself. His body blurring with warp gifted speed he leapt into the middle of the Eldar warhost and with a single effort of will ripped the heart from it, slaying the Autarch and her bodyguards with a single thought. The Aeldari witches, normally masters of the psychic domain found their sorceries denied by the will of Tzeentch and were unable to stop Magnus' murderous rampage. But something was wrong, the pacts Magnus had made were betrayed and the daemonic host he had bargained for did not materialise. Quickly recovering from their shock the Aeldari warhost moved to envelope daemonic primarch and brought the full weight of their firepower to bear. With a roar of fury at the treachery done to him Magnus was banished from the material realm and the resurgent Eldar moved to mop up his leaderless minions.

...Tarquil felt a sickening lurch in his stomach as the fabric of reality was torn asunder and the twisted forms of daemons materialised onto the battlefield all around the warhost. Baying their hatred these daemons served the Lord of Skulls. The fourth and final test was upon them...

Racing forwards and fuelled by all the fury of their dark patron the daemons of Khorne washed over the outlaying elements of the Eldar warhost and massacred it in seconds. Tarquil realised there was only one way to save what was left of the host and ordered all units that were able to to fall back and establish a new firing line. Those that could not were to press forwards and meet their fate in whatever way they saw best so that the rest might live. Stranded amidst the baying daemons Tarquil himself knew that this was the moment of his death. Drawing his witch blade he accepted his destiny and stepped forward to meet it.

...Frantically Tarquil hacked at the tide of daemons that surrounded him, determined to die with honour despite the futility of the situation. With a scream of jet engines the sleek craft of a Crimson Hunter soared overhead, its weapons spitting death. Suddenly Tarquil felt the power that denied him communion with the warp lifted and knew that whatever had drawn Tzeentch's blessing to this place was now banished. With the last of his strength he cloaked himself in mystifying warp energy and stumbled injured through the snow before collapsing into the entrance of an ice cave. He could still hear the roars of the daemonic host outside along with the distant sound of Aeldari weaponry as the battle continued. Gazing towards the back of the cave he recognised the unmistakable markings of a Necron obelisk. As the last of his strength left him he realised that their search was over. He had found the key they sought...

 - Rick Lloyd

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