Despite the alliance between the Tau Empire and the Aeldari being seen as an absolute by external observers, and even the Tau themselves, the representation to the Tau by the farseers of the Kel Sandros craftworld had done much to give weight to the myth that the eldar race was united in its purpose and methods. The truth, as with everything in Aeldari society, was far more complex. The rise of Y'nead and the Y'nnari had further fractured the eldar race into groups who, while they shared the ultimate goal of the destruction of chaos, shared vastly different visions of how this should be brought about.
The latest evidence for this misalignment came in 02.020M42 when an eldar wraithost and druchari warriors attacked tau bases across the Perseus Deeps without warning. The most savage attack fell upon Lucardium, where the Tau managed to wipe out the attacking force, but suffered severe damage to their infrastructure in the process. The attack caused a great deal of anguish in the Tau high command who demanded an explanation from their eldar "allies", but none was forthcoming, only a cryptic message that described the incident as "regretable". In response, the Tau increased their military presence on their bases in the Perseus Deeps, a result the Aeldari attack was almost likely anticipating, and counting on for the battles to come.
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