Friday, February 28, 2020

More raids on Tau by the eldar

Following the raids on Lucardium, despite protests to the Kel Sandros Craftworld, the Tau found themselves on the receiving end of further assaults from Aeldari forces. This time, Parius, a smaller but none-the-less important Tau base in the Perseus Deeps, was raided by a combined force of drukhari and wraithguard. This faction appeared to be taking its own approach to dealing with the myriad threats in this region, and was disregarding the pact between the Aeldari and the Tau Empire.
The eldar forces caused havoc on Parius before withdrawing, once again showing how undready the Tau were to a sudden and unannounced attack from an unexpected quarter. In response, the Tau further increased their military presence, although this necessarily meant weakening their positions elsewhere. The Tau alliance with the Kel Sandros held, although this was mostly due to the fact that the Tau had no way of seeking or effecting any kind of retalliation on their sometime xenos allies.

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