Monday, April 25, 2022

Mordecai: Dark Angels retake Sathugar Mines

Following the over-extension of the World Eaters in their reckless but savage attack on the Black Templars at the Sathugar Mines, the Dark Angels now moved in to fix the hole in Imperial defences they had created. Rather than attacking the pocket directly, the loyalist astartes moved swiftly to attack the units to the flanks of the World Eaters, along the more northern sector of the Central Front, defended by the Death Guard. the Dark Angels intended to strike the slow moving worshippers of Nurgle before the forces of chaos could move in to secure the salient the World Eaters had created, thus isolating the other traitor marines for mopping up operations.

The attack by the Dark Angels was a bloody slog, but the Death Guard were slowly but surely forced back, widening the gap between them and their allies in the Sathugar mines. By the end of 2504.022M42 the Dark Angels had managed to all but surround the World Eaters, though it came at the cost of their commanding officer, cut down by the Death Guard eventually. Nevertheless this sacrifice was not in vain, as the World Eaters, unsupplied and cut off thanks to the attack on the Death Guard, dispersed and slipped back to chaos territory under the cover of darkness. The Sathugar mines were once more in Imperial hands.

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