Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Orks land at Haven

Until early 11.022M42 the orks had seemed largely disinterested in the growing escalation of the war in the Hecate Gap. Whether this was strategic, or just down to the "organic" nature of ork strategy was unknown, but in early 11.022M42 the orks did finally appear in the Hecate Gap. A greenskin force of the Blood Fang tribe landed on Haven and began rampaging across the planet. Whether this was part of a strategic plan to control the all important corridor between the Rifts and the rest of the sector could not be determined, but the orks had landed in force and came equipped with a giant stompa war machine.

The Grey Knights determined that the orks were a significant threat, and if they could be eliminated before growing into a larger force, the ork "problem" might be contained. With this objective in mind the Knights launched a direct assault on the greenskins, still unaware of the exact nature or strength of the enemy force. The result was painfully predictable, as the orks steamrollered over the smaller elite astartes force, using brute strenght and numbers to defeat the advanced nature of their enemy. With the Grey Knight force obliterated, the orks set up camp, and began growing their numbers.

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