Saturday, December 01, 2018

Alliance stop Cybixx’s plan

Cassandros shifted his perception. Flames danced in infinity, clawing and claiming millenia of the work of the souls of his people. He felt more than saw the dreams unrealised, the labours of brilliance older than civilisations vanish in the sweeping tide of unreality that consumed all, and the sharp clarity as the foundation of the planet, alike the foundation of the people, cracked and was rent asunder. A world died, a dream died and wonders older than life ages of planets were lost.

Lorwellyn burned in the infinite madness of the Cicatrix Maledictum.

The Farseer brought himself back to the present, and the short term. Simple concerns: the humans digging towards things they did not understand, to paw like a baby creature at the fires of reality altering power, never learning that they would be burned. As they could not be allowed to continue, wheels had been set in motion. The promise of salvage had drawn the primitive Orks into the maw of the Imperials' defences, allowing his own limited but capable forces to act with impunity. It was a blunt solution, but it would suffice.

With Archmagos Cybixx digging towards the Necron crypts buried far below Hexis, the Eldar of the Alliance resolved that the Imperials could not be allowed the final piece they would need to claim victory on the planet. Farseer Cassandros and his forces moved, bribing every Ork they could find to attack the Imperial base while they set up for the killing stroke. Cybixx was not unprepared however, with his own potent forces supported by forces of the Carcharadons and Black Templars Astartes Chapters, and well set defences.

The Ork assault hit harder than the techpriest had anticipated however, swamping the front lines of their defences and turning the planned countercharge into a desperate attempt to clear their own positions. The mobility of the Astartes began to shine, with the initial waves of Ork attacks hacked down and the Warboss slain in single combat with Tyberos of the Carcharadons, and the Black Templars showing their grit and fervour. The Mechanicum troops however were beset by both the best equipped of the Orks and the direct attention of the Eldar, and in spite of their excellent marksmanship, downing the Eldar air cover, they began to be overwhelmed, not helped by a local youth in a scuba suit who had turned up and insisted they were an Imperial Assassin, before being slain by an irate Ork.

Although the Astartes were able to clear the Ork threat, the Eldar swept forward and drove off the few marines still standing, Farseer Cassandros cutting down the final Astartes as he stood over the generator site.

With Akrash pass taken, the Alliance had staved off disaster, but the fight would continue to be uphill, and the Eldar would be carrying weight they could ill afford with their limited numbers.

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