Sunday, December 09, 2018

Eldar push forward on Hexis

Since their arrival at Hexis the eldar led by Farseer Cassandros had been instrumental in propping up the alliance cause in the area nearest to Praxis. While the Kel Sandros Eldar prepared to strike the imperium from Akrash pass, Cassandros led his own forces into the unclaimed area towards the imperial lines north of Praxis. Expecting to be able to consolidate their territory the eldar were surprised to find the Emerald Serpent investigating the ruins. In fact, the forces of tzeentch had deliberately sought out the eldar with the intent of inflicting a defeat on the newcomers before they could turn the tide for the alliance. 

The eldar forces however were more than capable of defending themselves. The fast moving eldar force swiftly turned the tables on the attacking chaos forces, using their speed and agility to outflank them. Ahriman, leading the attack, was once again bested and his forces scattered. The eldar completed their expansion, increasing alliance territory by a third and enveloping the western half of Praxis city. With the imperium now coming under attack from the south as well, it was the empire of mankind that suffered the most from the engagement in the western desert, as the eldar now looked to replace the imperium as the key opponents to the forces of chaos on Hexis. 

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