Saturday, December 01, 2018

Harlequins stop Alliance rot

The harlequins of the Sisters of Quartz new well by now that the Alliance presence on Hexis was in trouble. They knew the remaining 30,000 or so federal troops, mainly Librians, would soon come under attack from Konev’s much larger imperial army. The small forces of the eldar, especially with the recent losses, could not help. The Sisters however did take action to make sure the webway portal in the city was not taken by the chaos forces now bearing down on it. 

To get to the portal and ensure it’s whereabouts were concealed or even better moved, the Sisters had to charge through a band of Khorne Berzerkers who had managed to avoid the wrath of the Black Legion. The shock of the arrival of the lithe and acrobatic eldar unsettled the khornate warriors, and before the World Eaters understood what was really going on they had lost more than half their force. Disorganised and unsure of what to do, the traitor astartes held their positions, impotent as the eldar disappeared once again into the ruins of the great city, moving the webway portal safely to the outskirts where Malkaor’s Tau expedition still held precious alliance territory. 

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