Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Eldar retake Federal base

Despite the Federal withdrawal from Hexis, the alliance had not given up on the campaign. Now chiefly led by the eldar, the alliance goals were to stop the imperium and chaos forces from securing and using the necron device. Activating the device for their own use was a secondary goal. 

On 0412.018M42 the eldar attacked the chaos held region to the south west of the city of Praxis. Lying in the shadow of the Haknur plateau this region had once been the location of the Federal base, before Warsmith Stahl had arrived. Now the eldar found the area held by roving warbands of World Eaters space marines. Stahl and the Iron Warriors had moved on, finding nothing of value in the ruins of the Librian HQ. 

The eldar found the World Eaters a difficult proposition as the fast moving xenos forces attempted to wrestle back control of the region. However, despite some initial concerns the agile eldar forces eventually managed to outmanoeuvre the traitor astartes and retake the region. This move briefly cut off the chaos forces in the heart of Praxis from any form of supply base, but this wasn’t to last. The eldar found the Federal base in ruins, a tragic reminder of the failure of the alliance campaign on Hexis so far. However now the eldar were only 60 miles from Akrash pass and linking up with their other stronghold. In between however, strong imperial forces still held the high ground. 

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